Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Guide to finding a smaller home or business

There are a number of reasons why people choose to move into smaller spaces, whether it be for their homes or for their businesses. These days it is often seen as a positive change. After all, why occupy a large space with expensive maintenance and utilities when you can move into a smaller place that adequately meets your needs? If you are ready to make the change Cheapest Removalists are here to help with furniture removal interstate. Here is our guide to finding a smaller home:

Mental preparation
Making the move into a smaller space is going to be quite a shock to begin with. This is why you need to get in the right head-space and prepare yourself mentally for the transition. Try to focus on the positives of moving into a smaller space. These might include less time cleaning and maintaining, cheaper maintenance costs, and less pressure to have lots of people around! Maybe you are moving into a smaller space closer to your city centre? If this is the case, you will probably spend less time in the car, with easier access to shopping, cafes, cinemas, and bars! If you are moving because you have no other choice, try not to dwell on your old place. Move forward, keeping at least five benefits of downsizing in mind. Change is a part of life!

Moving into a smaller space does not necessarily mean you are going to have to give up all of the things that you love about your current home. Have a think about your priorities and what you need and want in your living or working space. Make a list of three to five things you absolutely must have in your new space. For example, a private courtyard, a balcony, or an open floor space. Refer to this list when you're looking at potential spaces and don't compromise on anything you will regret later.

Get excited!
Now it's time to start looking for new places. It's time to get excited. We recommend starting an inspiration scrapbook. Stick any images of small spaces you love the look of in it. Any time you're feeling unmotivated, flick back through your book and become instantly inspired again.

Ready to downsize? Give Cheapest Removalists a call today on 1300 299 969 and let us help you with furniture removal interstate.

Friday, 3 July 2015

Guide to moving in with your partner

There comes a time in most relationships when you and your partner will decide whether you should take things to the next level. Moving in together is a serious step in any relationship. Whether you and your partner have decided to rent or buy together, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure the move goes as smoothly as possible. Luckily for you, Cheapest Removalists are ready to help with fast moves. This is our guide to moving in with your partner:

Money matters

Money can be one of the main causes of tension in relationships. This is why you and your partner need to sit down together before you find a place and discuss your finances. Draw up a realistic budget. Take into account the cost of living, rent/mortgage, bills, utilities, food, transport, clothing, and any other expenses. Work out what you can afford to pay and what your partner can afford to pay. Discuss who will pay what and how you will divide expenses. Be honest and encourage your partner to do the same. Don't jump into anything you can't afford.

Work out what you BOTH want
Once you've worked out your budget, talk with your partner about the type of home you want. Be prepared to compromise. Your dream home may not be your partner's dream home, but if you discuss your ideas openly, you are likely to find something you are both happy with. Discussion points may include location, property size, and home features. Compile a checklist of must-haves and things that are negotiable. Be willing to negotiate, it is a necessary part of every successful relationship. Building and strengthening your negotiation skills early on will help ensure your relationship operates smoothly. Be cautious though, over-compromising can also lead to negative feelings. Try to figure out a happy medium and you're sure to find something you both love.

Don't get ahead of yourself
Moving in together is a huge step in any relationship and is certainly not something to be rushed into. Ask yourself whether you are ready, both emotionally and financially. Talk honestly to your partner about any concerns you have regarding the move and discuss whether moving in together will strengthen or weaken your relationship. Before jumping in to anything, we recommend trialing your potential living situation.

Ready to take the next step and move in with your partner? Congrats! Give the helpful staff at Cheapest Removalists a call today on 1300 299 969 and let us help you with fast moves!